Thursday, November 22, 2012

Oil Lamps

I always think of them as citronella oil lamps.
We have a lot of mosquitoes here.
Any oil would work and a few drops of essential oil
will customise the smell.

I had to try a lady bug,
they seem to like flowers more than vegetables
I have seen more of them since I put more flowers in the circles.
I have some work to do on the design it's looking a bit like the dreaded
pumpkin beetle, that orange rogue that eats every thing.
I have a new camel design also
I have just noticed I can see my reflection in the glaze.
It's very shiny.
This one is much is much more fiddly to make, 2 bowls put together then cut in half,
Bottoms on, saddles on, blanket wick holder,
oh and don't forget the head/neck.
I enjoyed finding this site 
 There was an encouragement to join in so I just had to, jump on the link
and have a look to see what some other potters are doing.
I am pleased to see there are other potters out there doing their own thing.
I couldn't resist this cute leek flower with it's little hat still on.
I hadn't noticed the bee until I uploaded the photos onto the computer.
A friend has just realised her dream of being an apiarist with a box of bees in our forest.
More on that later.


Linda Starr said...

Don't you just want to pull the top off that leek flower. Ha. Hope your oil lamps work on the mosquitoes

Heating Oil Delivery Specialists said...

Thank you for sharing your fascination on oil lamps. They are in fact useful and unique in many ways.