Sunday, December 8, 2013

Beautiful weeds

If you are going to have weeds in your garden
there is a good reason to make sure they are beautiful weeds.
I have a purple Verbeena that by sheer volume would
have to be classified as a weed.  
 It plants itself everywhere, makes for a good cut flower...
pads out the bunches nicely
however it seems to have total control.
There is so much of it I do not hesitate to pull it out.

Another favourite weed in my garden is this little red salvia
I call it rogue red, 

It too plants itself every where and is very cheerful in the garden.
Not much of a cut flower unfortunately, it doesn't hold in the vase.
Shame, but where it grows another 
less beautiful  weed has no space to grow.
That's my theory anyway.

My Gladdies last year had mega babies, little bulblets,

so much so I wonder if they too could become a weed.
Very beautiful weed indeed

Shasta daisy is such a good performer, 
featuring in most of my bunches at the moment.
I am still having a lot of trouble with rabbits and have taken to protecting
my plants with milk cartons
Looks terrible but it works.

Hard to imagine that these Zinnias will be 6ft tall by mid summer.
I do love Zinnias and they are so long lasting in the vase.
Great value for the flower buyer.


smartcat said...

Keep those summer photos coming! I love flowers that reseed. With me it's columbine.

Annie said...

Love the idea of gladdis becoming a weed. I must plant my zinnia seeds