Thursday, October 31, 2013

Gall wasps

I was indignant the other day when a news report
attributed the increase of gall wasps in the community

to back yard fruit growers neglecting to control their trees.
I thought that's right blame the home grower...
then I thought I should check my lemon tree
 which is a common host  plant.

Oh dear
evidence of gall wasp.
 It is easy to control, just prune out the galls

There was quite a few on our little tree
as you can see I had not picked all the fruit for some time.

I had to cut many branches 

but to be honest I think the tree will benefit from this hair cut.

Citrus likes well drained soil 
so they have always struggled in our heavy clay.

This is the best lemon tree we have grown so far. 
I had to save it from the wasps
Gall wasps are Australian native wasps. 
I wonder what they laid their eggs in before citrus arrived in Australia?
The roof of the studio went on this week.
I am getting excited now!


Annie said...

That looks HUGE!

Caroline said...

Sorry I couldn't make the AGM. I have relatives staying from Melbourne. Studio is becoming a reality, yay!