Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Quince jelly coming up.

The quince tree is looking very good. We have never produced such huge fruit before. There is no substitute for rain and we have already had our annual rainfall for this year, and some more,I think.
I have had to move all the pots to take advantage of the new watering system. It is ready for next summer.
I have to be more organised now I have a part time job teaching at TAFE and La Trobe.
All the plants are packed and ready for the market on Saturday.
I was delighted last night when I saw this sprawling riot of colour, but it was a bit dark to be taking photos.
I went back out this morning and it was a bit bright and did not do the colours justice. They are purple verbeena and Costa Rica Blue salvia, both plants had been dwarfed by some unruly evening primrose that has since been harvested.


Annie said...

My costerican blue is looking lovely too. Good luck at the market. Mine was VERY slow last week. Now I'm doing some bag orders.

Ozjane said...

Lovely salvia. I collect as many as I can...need to look for that one.