I have been put off the internet for some months now.
Computer problems and the stinking thieves
that the internet has given a world wide opportunity to.
I have been interested in my blogging statistics and
amazed by the interest shown by people
on the other side of the world.
I have met some fabulous people in
Blog land but am convinced that my computer troubles started
with those who wished to steal from me.
Let me just state for the record,
I have very little and all of it has been worked hard for.
I would go easy on a "Robin Hood" style bandit.
Find a rich person to steal from!
I have cancelled all Paypal style accounts which is good because now
I have to shop locally and will no longer waste endless hours
trying to prove I am me and I have not been shopping in......
Paypal sucks and international thieves just love it.
No online banking for me!
Now that has been said, Winter has been long and cold.
Northern Hemisphere folks are laughing at my concept of cold.
I am longing for the sun.
Just two weeks of winter left.
I am watching and waiting for Spring's splendor
Mum's Peacock Iris, snaffled from her garden when she moved
I could not leave them for the new owners.
Shame these smell like onions.
Such beautiful flowers on strong stems but I generally
resist the urge to add them to my flower bunches.
These early Rannuculi have been teasing me for a couple of weeks
I think they will be red...
red goes faster doesn't it?